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Washington Times 

information call 458-3673 or 458-[[?]]. This week:
• "The Human Beast," today. 


An Afternoon with Jacob Lawrence —
The artist gives a slide-illustrated exploration of his paintings and an enlightening discussion of his art and his life at 2 p.m. April 17, in the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden's auditorium: Tickets $10. For information call 357-3030.

The Assassination of President Lincoln —
Cornelius W. Heine, executive secretary of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, speaks at 7 tonight at the National Center for Presidential Research, 1206 East Capitol St. Free. For information call 544-5232.

Book Talks —
Ann Schwab, author of "Get Yourself Together: Fashion Guide for Teens," speaks as part of this series by local authors at noon April 19 in the Main Lobby of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library, 901 G St. NW. Free. For information call 727-1186.

Diplomats in Buckskin —
Herman Viola of the Smithsonian Institution discusses the experience of our American Indians as they came to Washington, D.C., during the mid-19th century to negotiate treaties, at 2 p.m. April 16 at Christ Church, 620 G St. SE. Free. For information call 543-0539.

Distinguished Scholar-Teachers —
Alison Olson of the Department of History discusses "The British Coffee Houses and the Government of the American Colonies, 1660-1776," as the third in a series of lectures by selected faculty members of the University of Maryland at 2 p.m. April 15 in Room 2203 of the Art-Sociology Building, College Park, Md. Free. For information call 454-5335.

An Evening of Poetry in Translation —
Herbert Mason reads from his translations of Middle Eastern poetry, and Stephen Mitchell from his translations of the work of Rainer Maria Rilke and from "The Book of Job" and "The Tao Te Ching," at 8 p.m. April 18 in the Library of Congress' Coolidge Auditorium. Free. For information call 287-5394.

Fading Glory: The Life and Death of Stars —
James H. Sharp of the National Air and Space Museum speaks at 7:30 p.m. April 19 in the museum's Albert Einstein Planetarium. Free. For information call 357-2700.

Lynn Freed —
The author of "Home Ground" reads from her work at 8 tonight in George Washington University's Marvin Center. Room 405, 800 21st St, NW. Free. For information call 994-6180.

Gene Manipulation —
Victor A. McKusick, speaks at 8 p.m. April 19 as part of this series titled "Frontiers in Genetics: Understanding Life." Tickets $15. For location and information call the Smithsonian's Resident Associates at 357-3030. 

The Infrared Sky —
Nancy Boggs, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight center, discusses how radiation is used by astronomers to detect relatively cool materials in the cosmos, such as dust, rocks and molecules, at 7:30 p.m. April 20 in the National Air and Space Museum's Albert Einstein Planetarium. Free. Telescopes will be set up outdoors for viewing after the lecture, weather permitting. For information call 357-2700. 

Irish Immigration: Present and Past —
Journalists, historians and representatives of the U.S. government, the Embassy of Ireland, and the Irish Immigration Reform Movement discuss the recent surge in Irish emigration to the United States during an all-day conference beginning at 9:30 a.m. April 16 in the Martin Luther King Jr. Library, Ninth and G streets NW. Free. For information call 525-7381. 

Joyce Johnson —
The author reads from her work at 8:30 p.m. April 20 in Bentley Lounge, Gray Hall, of the American University. Free. For information call 885-2971. 

Life With the Wodeaabe
Carol Bechwith, free-lance photographer, shares striking images and stories of the two years she spent with a nomadic tribe in the African Sahel, at 5:30 and 8 p.m. April 19 in National Geographic's Grosvenor Auditorium, 1600 M St. NW. Tickets $4 and $7. For information call 857-7133. 

Looking Back on Washington —
Robert Traux, historian and collector of Washington memorabilia, speaks at 1:30 p.m. April 20 at the Mount Pleasant Branch Library, 16th and Lamont streets NW. Free. For information call 727-1361. 

Masters of the Art of the Cartoon—
Jack Davis discusses his work and shows examples of his original drawings at 6 p.m. April 18 as part of this series. Tickets $14, $5 for full-time students. For Tickets and location call the Smithsonian's Resident Associates at 357-3030.

The Millennium Test —
Robert Reasenberg chronicles the history of interferometry — the study of patterns created by the separation and recombination of a light beam — and its important present-day applications, at 8 p.m. April 21 in the Ripley Center's auditorium, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. Tickets $8.50. For information call 357-4886. 

Music and Dance In Mesopotamia —
Ann D. Kilmer, professor of Assyriology, and Maria Malousova of Prague, Czechoslovakia, provide historical background on cultural traditions of ancient Mesopotamia, at 8 p.m. April 15 in the Ripley Center Lecture Hall, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. Free but reservations are required. For information call 357-4886.

Natural Phenomena Affecting the Nile Delta
Daniel Stanley, Curator of the Smithsonian's Department of Paleobiology, gives a geologist's view on the Nile River's delta at noon April 15 in the Museum of Natural History's Baird Auditorium. Free. For information call 357-2700. 

Pictorial History of Arlington County —
Nan Netherton presents a program and slide show at 2 p.m. April 17 at the Giencarlyn Branch Library, 300 S. Kensington St., Arlington, Va. Free. For information call 284-8170. 

Tale of the Komet —
Rudy Opitz, a former Messerschmitt test pilot and commander of an Me-163 squadron, gives a rare, first-hand account of what it was like to fly these extremely hazardous aircraft at 7:30 tonight in the National Air and Space museum's Samuel P. Langley Theater. Free. For information call 357-2700. 

Tuesday Mornings at the Smithsonian —
Research Associate Geologist Ellis Yochelson of the Museum of Natural History discusses "A Geologist's Journey to China" at 10:40 a.m. April 19 at the Museum of Natural History. Tickets $4 for those over 60, $5 for those under 60; available by calling 357-3030.

Uses and Abuses of Computer Technology
Robert L. Nadeau presents "The Minds We Make: The Present Generation of Computers," at 8 p.m. April 20 in George Mason University's Student Union II, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, Va. Free. For information call 323-3852. 

Robert Wallace —
The author of "Girl Friends and Wives," and editor and publisher of "Bits Press" reads from his work at 2 p.m. April 17 at The Writers Center, 7815 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, Md. Tickets $3. For information call (301) 654-8664. 

Wildlife Management in Central America —
Steve Cornelius presents a slide-illustrated lecture titled "Vanishing Tropical Splendors, Tropical Delights," at 8 p.m. April 19 at the National Wildlife Federation, Rt. 7, Vienna, Va. Free. For information call 860-2372. 

Women Artists of 19th Century France —
Cassatt, Morisot and other women artists of 19th century France are the topic of lectures and discussion from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 16 at The National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New

Continued on Page M16

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Washington Metro Metaphysical Calendar


Empowerment Through Awareness of the Christ Within: The Role That It Plays.
This seminar will be conducted by Linda Ives who will channel El-Yuki, "The Spiritual Master."  Thursday, April 14th. 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  Cost: $25.00.  This is an evening with Ezekel in Ezekel's home, 1662 Waters Edge Lane, Reston, Va.  For info. call (703)239-4480.

A Trip to the SINAI and EGYPT,
July 30th - August 11th.  Call 703/239-2660 and request a brochure for this fantastic journey.

Empowerment Through Recognition of Your Beauty, Power and Uniqueness.
This workshop will bring you in touch with your true self.  Conducted by Linda Ives and Eileen Johnson. Qualified Spiritual and Human Development Counselors.  Sat., April 16 from 1 pm - 4 pm.  Cost $25.00

Finding The Goddess Within.
Conducted by Linda Ives and El-Yuki "The Spiritual Master."  Sat. April 23, 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

The Double Edged Sword: Vulnerability: Are Men Different Than Women.
Conducted by Bart and Linda Ives. Fri., April 29th 7:30-10 p.m. Cost $30.00.

For info and location of above workshops contact Human Psychic Services Center Inc. (703) 239-2660.


Empowerment Through Your Psychic Abilities.
Workshop by Linda Ives and El-Yuki.  Every Monday Evening 8-10 pm at 3510N. 13th St., Arlington, Virginia; and every Tuesday Evening 8-10 pm at 5809 Applewood Lane, Burke, Virginia.  Cost: $10 per session.  Info.: 703/239-2660.

Meditation Techniques: Your Path To Your True Self.
Wed., 8 pm - 10 pm at 5809 Applewood Lane, Burke, Va.  Cost $10 per session.  Info. call (703) 239-2660.


Alicia Carabello,
Tarot and Psychic Reading in Reston. 703/476-9359.
Linda Ives,
Channeled readings by El-Yuki, Psychic Readings, Home Parties or classes.  703/239-2660.
Rev. Lois Joy Hillgren
Body, Mind and Spirit; Georgetown. (202) 333-5460. 

Human Psychic Services Center, Inc.
We sell Lazaris Video and Audio tapes. Other books and tapes dealing with channeled material and New Age subjects; Astrology. Horoscope charts. all types. we sell to professionals and individuals. Mail Order Only. 

Video Memories
Let video expert Gilbert Carabello capture your event (wedding. conference. class. social event. or anything else you can think of) on the video format of your choice. Excellent quality, reasonable rates. 703/476-9359.

The Gentile Organizer
Home or office secretarial services. This includes helping to set up new businesses. For information call 301/929-0643.

WMMC is a production of Human Psychic Services Center. Inc. Address all correspondence to: Human Psychic Services Center, Inc. P.O. Box 7113. Fairfax Station. Virginia 22039. Phone Number: (703) 239-2660.


Human Psychic Services Center. CDOC. (703) 239-2660

Transcription Notes:
I believe the number in question at the beginning is 458-38B2 but uncertain. Not likely to have a letter, based on the shape either 458-3382, or 458-3882 or 458-3832