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National Museum of American History
Science, Technology, and Culture

June 15, 1988

Mr. Jacob Lawrence
4316 37th Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98105

Dear Mr. Lawrence:

I am sending you, under separate cover, five copies of the new poster for our exhibit, Field to Factory, which tells the story of the migration from the rural South to the urban North. The poster was produced with the cooperation of the Phillips Collection, and we are quite proud of it. The image that you created expresses perfectly the feeling of the exhibit, and we are pleased to be able to unite the two in a form that our visitors can take home with them.

We wish to offer the poster for sale to other museums that will be showing the traveling version of Field to Factory, and would like very much to be able to quote a few words of yours about the painting and the migration in our letter to them. If you have the time and inclination, could you write a paragraph or so about the painting and the reasons you created it? If however, you do not wish to add any words to the powerful statment you have already made, we will surely understand. We do hope you enjoy the posters.


Lonn W. Taylor
Assistant Director 
for Public Programs

cc: Bob Selim

Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560