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the United States District Court For personal delinquencies, therefore, I beg your indulgence.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C W Buckley
Superintendent Education

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec 7th 1866

Morrill Miss M.
Selma Ala.

Enclosed please find draft on Mobile for fifty dollars, the source being the account of your salary for the month of November 1866.

Upon the arrival of the draft please be kind enough to forward me a receipt.

Hoping your work though new to you, is not void of interest.

I am, 
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C. W. Buckley
Superintendent Education


Letter 5

Head Quarters Sub. District of Alabama
Office Superintendant [[Superintendent]] of Education
Montgomery Ala Dec 10th. 1866

Rush Rev. R. S.
Gen. Field Superintendant [[Superintendent]]
Cincinnati Office.

My Dear Sir,

Your welcom letter dated Dec 5th writen [[written]] "to ascertain whether we can secure the transportation Expenses of our Teachers to the field in your State" came to hand this morning. I beg leave to state in reply, that, instructions have been received from
Washington authorizing the payment of such Transportation Expenses, and I shall be happy to approve any Certificate of this kind for your teachers. I forward with this a number of "Certificate of transportation" hoping you will see fit to send several teachers into the State.

In view of aiding your Society in this event] I ventur to offer a suggestion or two in respect of location I want to direct your attention to Eufalla [[Eufaula]] and Eastern Alabama Enclosed please find a letter from Eufalla [[Eufaula]] which explains itself. This is a very inviting field a town of consiturable [[considerable]] importance the most so of any in Eastern Alabama  They have had no Schools there yet except such as have been taught by some incompetent Colord Teachers. The field is wholly unoccupied.  I am ancious[[anxious]]  to have a School established there as soon as practicable. Above Eufalla [[Eufaula]] on the same River, is West Point of equal importance and equally needy. No schools are in operation there. At boath [[both]] these places four teachers will be required  At boath [[both]] the Bureau will provide houses and necessary School furniture  Will not your Society Supply Teachers. And will you not be