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Very Respectfully
Supt Education
BRF and AL

Montgomery Ala. Oct 4 1867

Arms. C.C.
Tuscaloosa, Ala
[[left margin]] No 147 [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find draft on U.S. Depository, Mobile, Ala. drawn in favor of May Ryan, and payable to her order, for twenty-five dollars ($25) the same being the amount of her salary for July 1867.

As it is more safe to have the letter addressed to you will be kind enough to hand her the draft and return a receipt for same.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servant
Superintendent Education
B.R and F

Montgomery Ala Oct 5th 67

Farrand G.A. Esq
Gainesville, Ala.
[[left margin]] No 148 [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find draft on U.S Depository, Mobile, Ala, drawn on your favor, and to your order, for sixty five dollars ($65.00) the same being the amount of your salary for July 1867

Also transportation for yourself from Gainesville to your home. It is a matter of deep regret that you feel obliged to leave the work. You have accomplished a good work and the remembrance of it I hope will be 


Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Sent,
Supt Education;

Oct 3 67

Day Charles
Gadsden, Ala
[[left margin]] Receipt filed No 149 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find Draft on U.S. Depository, Mobile, Ala, drawn in your favor and payable to your order for fifty dollars ($50.00) the same being amt of your salary for July 1867

Supt of Education

October 5 67

Edmonson Bryant
West Point Ga.
[[left margin]] No 150 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find Draft on U.S. Depository, Mobile, Ala, drawn in your favor and payable to your order for Seventy-five dollars ($75.00) the same being amt of your salary for July 1867

Supt of Education