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Montgomery Ala
Jany. 17th 1868

Wheeler Chas. P.
Enfaula Ala. 
[[left margin]] No.  Receipt returned to this office January 24th 1868 Filed No "6" [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find Draft on United States Depository Mobile Ala drawn in your favor and payable to your order for One Hundred and Seventy five Dollars the same being the amount of your salary and that of your wife for the month of August 1867 and Fifty-Dollars for rent of School House for Nov and Dec. 1867. 
Please return receipt for same

Your Obt Servant 
Supt. Education

Montgomery Ala. 
Jany, 17th 1868 

Peck Miss L.M.
Atlanta Ga.
[[left margin]] No [[/left margin]]

I have this day forwarded to your address by Southern Express Co. Fifty Dollars, the same being the amount of your salary for services rendered teacher of freedmen at Union Springs for month of August 1867.

Please acknowledge receipt of same upon its arrival

Supt. Education


Montgomery, Ala.
Jany 17th 1868

Mutch M.A.H.
Opelika Ala.
[[left margin]] No.  Receipt returned January 24th 1868 Filed No. 5 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find draft on United States Depository, Mobile, Ala. drawn in your favor and payable to your order for Forty Dollars the same being the amount of your salary for the month of July, 1867.

Please acknowledge the receipt of the draft.

Supt. Education

Montgomery Ala
Jany 17th 1868

Tradewell, Miss H.F.
Marion Ala.
[[left margin]] No   Receipt returned to this office Feby 4th 1868 Filed No. [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find draft on United States Depository Mobile Ala. drawn in your favor and payable to your order for One Hundred Dollars, the same being the amount of your salary for the months of August & September 1867

Please acknowledge receipt on the arrival of the draft, to this office

Supt. Education