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Montgomery Ala
Jany 18th 1868

Day Charles
Gadsden Baine Co Ala
[[left margin]] No [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir,
Enclosed please find draft on New York drawn in your favor and payable to your order for One Hundred and fifty dollars the same being balance due you for services rendered as teacher of freedmen for Aug. Sept, and Oct 1867
Please return receipt for same

Your Obt Servant
Superintendent Education

Montgomery Ala
January 18th 1868

Burrell Miss Mattie E.
Benton, Ala
[[left margin]] No [[/left margin]]

Dear Friend
Enclosed please find One Hundred and Eighty Dollars, the same being due you for services rendered the Bureau of Refugees and Freedmen as teacher of Colored school from August 1st to Oct 31st 1867 near Benton Ala
Please return receipt for same

Superintendent Education


Montgomery Ala
Jany 21st 1868

Whipple Elliot
Wheaton Ill
[[left margin]] No  Receipt returned to this office Feby 7 1868 Filed No. 12 [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find draft on New York drawn in your favor and payable to your order for forty seven 50/100 Dollars the same being the amount of your salary from Aug 1st to Aug 19th inclusive at sevent yfive Dollars per month.

Please return receipt for same  The vouchers for repairs amounting to four Dollars, paid by you were found incorrect but will be corrected and paid

Supt. Education

Montgomery Ala
Jany 21st 1868

Ryan Miss Mary
Northport Ala.
[[left margin]] No.  Receipt returned to this office February 8th 1868 Filed No 9 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find draft from United States Depository Mobile Ala drawn in favor of J Winn and payable to his order for thirty dollars, the same is due you in repayment of rent of school house at Northport.
Please acknowledge receipt of same

Supt Education