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Montgomery, Ala 
January 21, 1868 

Oslin Wm W.
Oak Bowery Ala
[[left margin]] Receipt returned to this office January 28th 1868 Filed No 2 [[left margin]]

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find draft on United States Depository Mobile Ala. drawn in your favor and payable to your order for Fifty Dollars the same being the amount of your salary as teacher for July 1867. 

Please return receipt for same to this office

Supt Education 

Montgomery, Ala 
January 21st 1868

Bartlett C.C.
Sub. Asst. Comr.
Selma Ala
[[left margin]] C.C. Bartlett acknowledges receipt of drafts by letter of Jany 24 1868 [[/left margin]]  

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find drafts for the following named teachers which you will please distribute and return receipts to this office.

J.T. Coleman, New Hope Perry Co. July  ✓ $50.00
Emily V. Christian, Cahaba, Dallas Co. June & July  ✓ $80.00
Lizzie Yates Pleasant Hill Dallas Co. July  ✓ $50.00
J B Robertson Weaver Plantn. Perry Co. July  ✓ $50.00
J Silsby Selma July  ✓ $50.00
Jay M Condichee Snow Hill Wilcox Co. July  ✓ $50.00
Aldon Emmons Cahaba Sept. 16th to 30  ✓ $32.50
W F Norris Farmers Church Perry Co. July  ✓ $50.00
J B Norris Hamburg Perry Co. July  ✓ $30.00
Wm Bayley Pleasant Hill Dallas July  ✓ $50.00


Heamond Russ Candees Plantation Wilcox Co.  ✓ $30.00
J C Steward Marion Perry Co. Ala Aug.  ✓ $75.00

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Supt Education

receipts recd Jany 30th filed No- 

Montgomery Ala
January 27th 1868

Whipple E.
Wheaton Ills
[[left margin]] Receipt returned to this office Feby 10th 1868 Filed No. 12 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find Money order on P M. Elgin Ills for $3.90 Three 90/100 Dollars which is amt due you on voucher D Reese

Please acknowledge receipt of same

H.M. Bush
Supt Education