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the white population, the colored people are still very poor.  So far as my observation goes it is with them a question of bread.  Generally I think they are willing to labor and deserve to sustain themselves and educate their children if possible.  But it not possible for them to do so under existing circumstances.  I very much desire that the true condition of the colored people of the South should in some way be presented before the public mind of the North.  I am confident that if the facts where known, the Christian people of the Northern States who have already done so much would be willing to continue their generous contributions for another year.  I would respectfully suggest whether it would not be well to have the facts laid before these Associations in a Circular from the Bureau or by an Agent in person.
My Monthly Report of Schools for May accompanies this report.
Yours Truly
RD Harper
Supt Education


Montgomery Ala June 25 1868
Williams Allen A
Shelbyville Tenn
Dear Sir

You will find enclosed a Draft ou New York for $30.00 being amount to cancel vouchers for salary as teacher for May 1867 
Please acknowledge receipt for same
Supt Education

Montgomery Ala June 18 1868
Gillette Maj James
Mobile Ala 
Dear Sir
I saw Capt Buckley yesterday and inquired if he remembered anything about the St Lawrence School House.
He informed me that it was rented by him for one year with the privilege of continuing the contract for two years.  This is all I can ascertain with regard to it.  This information has been obtained since my endorsement on your communication.  
With pleasant remembrances of your personal kindness to me while in Mobile.
I am, Dear Major,
Yours Sincerely
R.D. Harper
Supt of Education