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Montgomery Ala July 1st 1868

Alvord Rev. J. W.
Genl Supt Schools B.R.F and A.L. 

Dear Sir
Yours of 26th June received this morning. I have written Sub. Asst Commissioner to forward their reports for June immediately.
I will send any Monthly Report for June at the earliest possible day.
Yours Sincerely
R. D. Harper
Supt of Education

Montgomery, Ala July 1st 1868

Cravath Rev. E. M., Sec. A.M.A. Gen. O.

Dear Sir
Yours of the 25th inst received. I hope your association will occupy fully, during the coming year, the places named in your letter - Talladega, Selma, Marion, Montgomery and Mobile. I would be glad if they could occupy additional points of importance. There will be no difficulty in your obtaining the new "Swayne School House" in Montgomery on reasonable terms. Enclosed please find propositions from the Trustees. At my request they have made their proposition in writing that there might be no misunderstanding. I hope, therefore, that you will occupy Montgomery fully during the coming year. I am anxious to make and complete my arrangements soon. Can I rely on you for the occupation of Talladega, Selma, Marion, Montgomery, and Mobile? Is there any probability of your being about to occupy other places of importance in the State?  
We have recently divided the State into 15 Sub-Districts, instead of 10, with head-quarters at Selma, Mobile, Jacksonville, Claiborne, Eufaula, Tuscumbia, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Talladega, Elyton, Demopolis, Montgomery, Opelika, Greenville and Newton. 


At each of these centers, and in adjacent places, there should be schools opened at the first of October. What can you do to help us in our work in Alabama?
Please let me hear from you at our earliest convenience.
Yours truly
RD. Harper
Supt of Education

Montgomery Ala July 1 1868
Hendrix John C
S.A.C. Montgomery

Heilman WH.
Capt and S.A.C. Tuscumbia

Bannister J
Lieut and S.A.C. Opelika

Bartlett C. C.
S A C Elyton

Blair Robt
Sub. A.C. Tuskaloosa

Curtis James
Major and S.A.C. Selma

Gillette James Major and SAC Mobile

Gardner S. S. SAC Greenville

Harrison Robt
Capt and S.A.C.

McGogy James F.
Sub Asst Comr Elyton

Transcription Notes:
Sub Assistant Commissioner (SAC)