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Oct 24th

Col. Edwin Beecher
Asst. Commissioner &c

Dear Sir:
In accordance with special order No 109, I have the honor to report that I proceeded to Mobile on Educational business. The schools in the "Emerson Institute" have been opened under the care of the A.M. Association as free schools. About 400 pupils are already in attendance & it is expected that the numbers will be double as soon as teachers can be secured. There are many other schools for freedmen in Mobile under the care of Association. Mrs. Thomas is teaching a private school, but has led her pupils I regret to report that educational matters in Mobile are in a very unsatisfactory condition rising out of a conflict of authority between the old Board of School District & the recently appointed County Superintendent. It is desirable for the interests of all parties that these difficulties should be speedily adjusted. I would further report that repairs are urgently needed in the "Emerson Institute". Unless repairs are made the building will be seriously damaged.
Yours truly       
R. D. Harper
Supt. of Education.

Transcription Notes:
ignore indents per SI