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Oct 31st

Rev. J W. Alvord
Chf. Sup't of Education.

Dear Sir,
Yours of the 27th inst. with the communication from the Commissioner, desiring "Digest of the Land of the reconstructed states on the subject of Common School Education; also a statement of this provision actually made in States or Cities of the south for the Establishment of Common Schools," received.
Accompanying please find "Public School Land of the State of Alabama." Also public School Laws of City & County of Mobile" The public School laws of the State apply throughout the state except to the City & County of Mobile.
I understand that the cities of Mobile, Selma, & Talladega are receiving aid for the support of Normal Schools or Classes from the "Peabody Fund" - Mobile & Selma $2,000 each per annum, & Talladega $4000. On this subject, however, I am not certainly informed. Will ascertain & report definitely on this point if you desire it.