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Nov. 3d.

Rev. E. M. Cravath.

Dear Sir.
Our Sub. Asst Comr. at Huntsville writes me, in "The Bureau has held the Sulzner Building in Athens four months without benefit to freedmen. Would it not be best to abandon it."
I had supposed that Miss M. F. Wells, who has had charge of a flourishing school there, for some time past, under your case, would return. Please inform me if she expects to return. If not, can you not send teachers to occupy the building.
I have replied to the Commissioner as follows," I write to Mr. Cravath, Sec of the A.M.A., & of Miss Wills or some other person does not occupy it soon it must be given up".
Hoping to hear from you soon
I am
Yours truly
R. D. Harper
Sup't. of Education.