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55  [[note]] L.S. 97 [[/note]]
L.S. (91.)   Endorsement on Letters Sent No. 91.

Office Genl Supt Schools
Washington May 14th 1868
Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig Genl Geo W Ballock [[Balloch]] Chf Disbursing officer of Bureau R F & A L.
J W Alvord
Genl Supt Schools

War Dept. B.R.F. & A.L. May 15th 1868
Respectfully returned The Laws of the State, relative to insane persons must be complied with before paymt can be made. A guardian must be appointed
G W Ballock [[Balloch]]
Bvt Brig Genl & C.D.O.

Office Gen'l Supt Schools
Washington May 15th 1868
Respectfully returned to Rev R D Harper Supt Education inviting his attention to the endorsement of Genl Ballock [[Balloch]] Chf Dis Off. of Bureau R F & A L.
S Willard Saxton
per Genl Supt Schools


R.6.   Endorsements on letter of D C Rugg.

Huntsville Ala. May 7th 1868
Respectfully forwarded to the Assistant Commissioner for Alabam with the information that I have examined the records of the office at Huntsville & believe the within statement to be correct.
R D Harper
Supt Education.
State of Alabama

57. [[note]] See E&M. 43 [[/note]]
13.M.   Endorsement on letters of A N McCullough

Respectfully returned to the Asst Commissioner with the information that I have made personal examination, and find the buildings, presently occupied for school purposes at Huntsville, entirely inadequate both in condition & capacity.
As this is an important point in the State with 1000. colored children to be educated; and as but $900.00 have been expended here for school purposes. I feel free to recommend an appropriation of $4000.00 for the erection of a large and commodious school building, provided the people of huntsville furnish suitable grounds for its erection.
R D Harper
Sup't of Education. 

Transcription Notes:
No indentations are to be used. L.S. - Letters sent. and the number of that letter. George W Balloch - Chf. Disbursing Officer. This is the correct spelling of this person who is the Chf. D.O. - He was still doing it in 1869.