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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When received | Name | Date and purport of letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 1st 1868 5 | Rugg, D. C. S A Comm'r | Sub. District of Huntsville Huntsville May 4 1868 Transmits School Reports from (2 and 4) for month of April 1868 |

| May 23rd 1868 6 | Rugg, D. C. S.A.C. E and M 56. | Office Sub Asst Com'r Huntsville Ala May 7 States that a certain building in Athens Ala owned by Fred Sulzner and occupied by Freedman's School  was from about Apr. 5th 1865 until about Nov 1st 1867  reported and held by S.A. Com'r Bureau &c. as abandoned property; that during that time said reports were not alleged to be eroneous: nor was any claim set up for rent, that in Nov. last it was restored to owner in accordance with an order copy enclosed. Since which time rent is justly due: that in judgement of S.A. Com'r the care and improvement of the property is sufficient compensation for its use prior to Nov. 1867 |

| June 6 1868 7 | Rugg, D. C. S.A.C. | Sub. Dist of Huntsville Bureau Huntsville June 3rd 1868 Transmits School Reports for Month of May 1868  Filed |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When received | Name | Date and purport of letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 27, 1868 8. | Rust. R. S. | Office Freedmans A. Soc. M E Church Cincinnati Ohio. July 24th 1868  Inquiring if the office to furnish $4000.00 from the Bureau provided any Society would supplement it with $2000.00 to build a suitable school building at Huntsville Ala. is in good faith and if still extended their society - Filed |

| Oct. 12 1868 9 | Rugg, D. C. S.A. Coms | Huntsville Ala Oct 9 1868  Transmits School Report for August and Sept 1868  Filed |

| Oct 12 1868 10 | Randall C P | Chicago Ill Oct 2nd 1868  Acknowledges receipt of draft on New York for 2.40. in payt of plans for Montgomery Ala Schoolhouse  Filed |

| Oct. 17 1786 11 | Rust R S. | F.A.S. M.E Church Cincinnati Ohio Oct 13 1868  States that he has sent transportation for Miss Hindeman. Has heard from Col Rugg. M E Church will purchase grounds if Govt will build house  Filed | 

| Oct 30 1868 12 | Rains John W  L.S. Page. | Office Sub Asst Com'r Huntsville Oct 26th 1868  Requests plan for building to be constructed at Huntsville. Ala  Filed |

Transcription Notes:
Comm'r - for Commissioner; sometimes seen as "Com'r".