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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received | Name | Date and Purport of Letter 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 20 1868  6 | Saxton, S Willard | War Dept. B R F and A.L. Office Genl Supt of Ed Washington D.C. Feby 15th 1868 has sent this day 200 blanks No. 3. 100 blanks No. 2. "Filed" |

| February 22nd 1868  "7" | Smith Robt. F., Sub. Ass't Com. | Office Sub. Asst Comr Opelika, Feby 20th 18  Transmits vouchers for rent favor of Geo Mutch. and requests that they be paid as the Mutch has done more than any one else in his Sub Dist. also gives names of teachers entitled to purchase rations from Sub. Dep't in accordance with existing regulations.  Filed |

| February 28th 1868  8 | Silsby John | Selma, Ala. February 26th 1868  Encloses plan of School house for Selma, which he thinks can be done for $6400.00.  Will send finished draft in a day or two.  "Filed" |

| Febry 28th 1868  9 | Stephenson, John C.  E. & M. 9 p 5  See letters Test 26 | Mount Hope, Lawrence Co Ala  February 21st 1868  Requests authority to appoint Trustees of Free public Schools in Townships where vacancies exist  "Filed" |


[[ 3 columned table ]]
| When received | Name | Date and purport of letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 29th 1868  10. | Silsby John | Selma, Ala. Feby 28th 1868  States that he found a plan of School House in a book with he thinks with some modification will suit Selma gives sketch of building  Filed |

| March 6th 1868  11 | Smith Rob.  Sub. Ass't Comr | Sub. Dist of Opelika B.R.F. & A.L.  Opelika Ala. March 2nd 1868  Transmits monthly Report form 4 for month of Feby. 1868.  Has no school report form 3 to make.  Filed |

| March 19th 1868  12 | Smith R. F.  Sub Asst Comr  LS. 49 | Sub Dist of Opelika  Opelika March 14th/68  Requests instructions in regard to schools.  Will gov't pay teachers & who will employ them.  Filed |

| Mar 24th  13 | Silsby John  Agt. A M Association  E&M. 22.| Selma Ala March 17th 1868  Asks that an additional appropriation for the building of a school house for Freemen at Selma Ala be made by the Bureau. |

| March 24  14 | Saxton J Willard  Chief Clerk. Supt of Schools | War Dept. Bu Ref. F & AL  Washington DC. March 17th/68  States that we misapprehend Cir of Par. 3 Series 1865 War Dept which is still in force.  Requests names and stations of all commissioned teachers in this state |