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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received | Name | Date and purport of Letter 
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 24-1868 15 | Saxton, J Willard Chief Clerk School Dept. | War Dept. Bu Ref. F & A.L. Office Genl Supt of Schools Washington March 18th 1868 
Transmits Circulars War Dept. B R. F & A.L. Series 1865, 1866, 1867 Filed |

| April 6. 1868 16 | Saxton, J Willard | Washington City Ap. 1. 1868. 
Transmits blanks as per order (See letter No 60 to Mr Alvord). Will send form No 4. as soon as new supply obtained. Filed. |

| April 5th 1868 17 | Smith Robt. T. Sub Asst Comr | Sub Dist of Opelika Bur Ref F & A.L. Opelika April 4th 18 
Transmits monthly Report of Scho for March 1868 |

| Apr 22nd 1868 18 | Smith Robt. T. S A. C.  E and M. 40. | Sub Dist of Opelika Bureau &c Opelika Apr 21st 1868 
Asks assistance to build a school house for the freedpeople at Auburn Ala. |

| Apr 26th 1868 19 | Smith, Th. H. L.S. 66 | West Chester Pa. Apr 21st 1868 
States that he is sorry that their society cannot send more teachers. The (2) at Huntsville strain every resource of the society. Refers to Pa. Freedman Relief Asscn. of Phia. Filed |


[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Rec'd | Name | Date and purport of Letter 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apr 27th 1868 20. | Shipherd, J.R. L.S. 67. | Am Miss Association Chicago Apr 22nd 1868 
Acknowledges receipt of letter of Apr 1st & states that they are doing all they can for the freedpeople. Will not do less next year unless collections shrink. Filed |

| Apr 24th 1868 21. | Smith R.T. SAC.  E and M. 20. | Sub District of Opelika
Opelika March 27th 1868 
Transmits report of investigation in regard to claim of J F Brown of Tuskegee, Ala. Filed. |

| Apr 30th 1868 22. | Shiller, W. E and M. 48 | Cahaba, Ala Apr 16th 1868 
Asks assistance in sustaining school on Saltmarsh Plantation, near Cahaba. Has taught three months. |

| May 4th 1868 23. | Saxton, J Willard Chief Clerk | War Dept. Bur R F & A.L. Office Genl Supt of Schools Washington Apr 29th 1868 
States that all teachers authorized or recognized by Asst Comr as such May purchase provision of Sub Dept under same rule as Officer of the Army. Filed |

Transcription Notes:
This Th. H. Smith is not listed in the INDEX. W Shiller not listed in the INDEX.