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[[ 3 columned table ]]
| When Received | Name | Date & purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 8th 1868  14. | Wisty Wm. T.  Secty Missions  L.S. 110 | Am. S S Union Phia. May 20th 186?  States that owing to the  previous drain upon their treasury they are unable to send books asked for but have sent 200 volumes second hand books for use of Sunday Schools in Montgomery.  Filed |

| July 3rd 1868  15 | Williams Allen A  L S. | Shelbyville Tenn  June 29th 68  Acknowledges receipt of draft on New York for Thirty Dollars as salary for teacher  Filed |

| July 9th 1868  16. | Weisman E. H.  Lieut & S.A.C.  L.S. 142 | Sub. Dist of Eufaula. Bureau &c  Eufaula Ala  July 7th 1868  Reports no schools in session in his Sub. District during the month of June 1868  Filed |

| July 13th 1868  17 | Weisman E. H.  Lieut & S.A.C. | Eufaula Bureau &c  July 7th 1868.  Transmits Report of school at Troy which was omitted in former Report.  Has directed school to close during warm weather.  Filed |

| July 15th 1868  18 | Weisman E. H.  Lieut & S.A.C. | Eufaula, Bureau &c  July 13th 1868  States that he has commenced the school at Eufaula with 80 pupils has closed school at Troy for the present.  Asks if deed was rec'd  Filed |


[[ 3 columned table ]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug. 8th 1868  19 | Warring O. M. | Pittsburgh Pa. July 30th 1868  Writes in reference to his work at Florence and asks for pay the expended in repairs as promised by Mr. C.W. Buckley.  Filed |

| Aug 22nd 1868  20. | Weisman E. H.  S.A.C. | Eufaula, Ala Aug 18th 1868  States that Freedmen are so heavily taxed in building places of worship and dwellings that they cannot assist in building school house  Makes application for an additional sum of $1000.00 and that books be sent at once  Filed |

| Aug 23, 1868  21 | Wheeler C. P.  S.A.C. | Eufaula Ala Aug 20th 1868  Requests instruction in regard to house at Eufaula Ala. and wishes, to employ the teachers there for next year.  Filed  ans |

| Aug 27th 1868  22 | Watson W. T. | Garland Ala Aug 23rd 1868  Wishes information in regard to the schools of the State, and how soon they will be established. Filed  ans |

| Aug 30th 1868  23 | Wheeler C. P.  S.a.Commr | Eufaula, Ala.  Aug 28th 1868.  States that lumber can be purchased for $13.00 per [[strikeout]] and thinks a good building can be purchased or built at Eufaula for $500.  Filed |