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T [[note 1]]
Taylor A. C. 195
Tradewell H. F.  195
Turner Wm  196
Taylor B. J.  196.
Toomery Sheldon  196.
Thompson E. T.  197
Towle F. H  197.
Thomas J.W.S. 225

Vassett [[Vossetti]] 77 [[note 2]] 

W [[note 3]]
Wells Mary T.  217. 219.
Wheeler C.P.  217. 218. 220. 222 
Whittlesey E.  217. 218 220. 221. 224. 225. 228. 
Williams Allen  217. 222. 
Webster J. J.  218 
Wiley John  218 [[219]] [[note 3]]
Whipple George 119 [[219]] [[note 4]]
Warring Oscar M  221. 222 [[note 5]]
Wurty W. S. 222.
Wilson R. A.  224 225. 226.
Wager J. H.  227. 228.

Yordy J. A  241. 242


Transcription Notes:
*People also found on other pages, not pgs. listed. [[note 1: Names not listed but on pg 196: 1) Jos. S. Travelli - pg 196 and Jos. H Traveli - pg 197 - same person. ]] [[note 2: Mr. Vossetti is on page 77, and twice on page 209. I have transcribed two or three other times where his name is mentioned, and also in another Volume's Index, it is Vossetti.]] [[note 3: Here are a list of names on the pages for "W" names, but NOT listed here on the INDEX: -> E H Wierman is listed on 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226. -> H M WHITLESEY found on page 220; and Henry M WHITTLESEY [[should be WHITTELSEY]] is found on pg. 221; and H.M. WHITTLESEY also found on 221. They are the same person. -> W T Watson is listed, but name not included. - pg 223.]] -> A.A. West - listed on page 227, not listed here. [[note 3: Wiley - his name is NOT on 218, but is on 219.]] [[note 4: Whipple - page 119 is incorrect. It is 219.]] [[note 5: Oscar M Warring is also listed as O M Warring on page 223.]]