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Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. of Selma
Selma Ala. December 16th 1867

C W Buckley Esq.,
Supt. Education,
Montgomery, Ala., 


Dear Sir,
Enclosed herewith please find communication from E. Burson, Esq., enclosing "Duplicate Vouchers" for pay of J.M Condichie, a Teacher of Colored School for the months of August, September and October of the present year.
I beg leave to state, that to comply with instructions from your Office, dated Montgomery, Ala, July 22/67, all Teachers having charge of Bureau Schools in this Sub District, was notified that they would receive no pay from the Bureau for the month of August. (See Circular Letter to Teachers from this office, dated July 23 1867 Copy furnished you)
In Circular from this office to Teachers dated September 4th 1867, were given extracts from your letter dated August 24th 1867, vig

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