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[[stamp]]The National Archives of the United States[[/stamp]]

Office Agt. Bureau RF & AL Tuscaloosa Ala
Feb 28th 1868

HM Bush
Supt. Education
Montgomery, Ala,

Dear Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 21st Inst.
concerning the claim of Wm H Beatty for School House rent, enclosed I send you his own Statement,
I am of the opinion that he has not been paid for Nov. and Decr. I also enclose you Mrs. Avery's Recpts for School Room rent, for Miss EL Bentons School, you will please file them up as they should be, the rent is $12.50 per month. These are for Month of Feb. those for Jany was signed & sent back as you directed, but she has not yet received any pay.  

Miss Benton is an energetic and thouragoing Teacher and deserving all the aid that can lawfully be given her. 

I will send up her Recpts in a few days
very respectfully your obt sert 
R Blair
Agt B. RF & AL