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Office Agt B. RF&AL Tuscaloosa Ala
April 1st 1868


Supt of Education
Dist. of Alabama
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Enclosed I send you Mrs Averys vochers for School Room rent, for the month of March. the vouchers are in Mrs Averys name, but it would suit Miss Benton better if the check could be Iss, in her name, for the reason that Mrs Avery has gone North, and Miss B. advanced her the money before she left.
I am sorry to say that without better protection here, I fear Miss B. will be compell'd to leave. great outrages are being commited & I fear she is not safe. the very Devil himself has taken possession of the Rebels. Resply of it all has been sent to head Quartes. I resp'tly request that you send her all the money you can without delay, as I fear she has but little.
Very Resp'tly your Obd Srvt
R Blair
Agt B. RF&AL

Transcription Notes:
attempted to utilize author's abbreviations