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American Missionary Association and
Western Freedmen's Aid Commission
Office, 98 West Sixth Street,

Advisory Board,
Hon. Wm. Fenn Nixon,
Rev. H.M. Storres, D.D.
Rev. G.M. Maxwell, D.D.
Edward Harwood, Esq.

Rev. E.M. Cravath, Secretary
Thomas Kennedy, Treasurer.
Levi Coffin, General Agent.

Cincinnati, Jan 2d 1867.

Rev. C.W. Barkley
Supt. Ed. B.R.F.& A.L.
Montgomery Ala.

Dear Bro.
The removal of Gen Wager Swayne from the command of Ala. is a great calamity to the State and a source of apprehension to us in an educational work in the state. I have not learned who is to be his successor but trust he will be a true man. Will the removal of Gen. Swayne affect the appropriation for Talladega for repairs & for the building of school houses at Selma, Montgomery and Mobile? I am preparing the designs for the buildings at Mobil & Montgomery! Will they be needed? Please give me such information as will enable me to plan for the future in these respects. 
Most Truly Yours, 
E.M. Cravath