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Sub. Dist. of Eufaula, B.R.F. & A.L.
Eufaula, Ala. March 3 of 1868

H.M. Bush, Supt. Ed'n
Bureau RF & AL
Montgomery, Ala.

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]


I see, by Circular 11. of date Feb. 19th 1868, that Sub. Asst. Comms. are required to forward two "Monthly Reports, for Office of Supt. of Education; viz.- forms 4. & 3. Ed.l. I have no blanks, form 3. I have form 2, which may be the form intended, as it appears to be a "Consolidated Statement of Schools"; but not being certain of this, I decline sending it. I forward, herewith, Report for Feb'y, form 4. I am aware of the existence of several colored Schools, besides those reported; but, not having given them my personal attention, as stated in the Certificate, I have not included them. I regret that this Report is so meager, but it is the best I can do at this time, for the following reasons:- Not until these blanks came to hand, (which was recently,) was I aware that such Reports were required of me. And even if I had known it, it would have been almost impossible for me to give reliable