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G 356 RFAL Vol 13 '68
Calhoun, Ala Octob. 17/68

Greaves Harry & others

B2 G S of E 1868
States that they are anxious to have a School in the vicinity, but unable to build a house unless assisted, have promised of a teacher by the Am. Miss. Association

[[stamp]] BUREAU WASHINGTON Rec Oct 24 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F.&A.L. ALABAMA. OFFICE ASST COMMR. RECD OCT 28 1868 [[/stamp]]

War Department.
Bureau of Refugees F. & A L
Washington DC Oct. 24. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Bt. Col. E. Beecher, Ass't Com'r of Alabama
By order of Maj. Gen O.O. Howard
E. Whittlesey