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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States  [[/stamp]]

State of Alabama 
County of Greene 

Pasquale Vosetti of the town of Eutaw County & State aforesaid being duly sworn, Says, he commenced teaching the Mesopotamia colored School Feb 1, 1867 and taught during February, March, April, May, June & July, averaging from 45 to 50 Scholars. he received a check of $50 and receipted for it June 18th which was pay for April. About the 15 of July he received a check for %50 which was pay due for May but he thinks the vouchers he signed for May called for $40 only. The checks were received from the disbursing officer at Montgomery, and that he received no pay for teaching except as above stated, and that he signed and forwarded vouchers for the six months above named, but he had no defined understanding from Mr Buckley what amount of pay he was to receive until the check for April reached him. it seems Mr Buckley discarded the months of February and March, as he commenced paying for May as above stated, and that there is yet pay due him for June and July, and also February and March.

Pasquale Vosetti

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10 day of March 1868

J.A. Sordy
Agt B.R.F. & A.L