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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States  [[/stamp]]

Sub Dist of Greenville
Bureau R.F & A.L.
Greenville Ala. M'ch. 13th 68

Mr. H.M Bush
Supt. of Education

I write to you, as the successor of Capt. Buckley to make inquiry concerning my salary as teacher of Colored School during the month of September last.

I wrote to Capt. Buckley, and enclosed my Vouchers, but have received no answer. For my services in July I received $85. Was in charge of the Montgomery Schools.

Capt. Buckley told me that after July he would advance my salary.

I did not teach in Sept. but was waiting for the fall schools to open, & was informed by Capt. B that my salary would be paid until the day I was notified that my services was