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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Airmount Ala Feb. 7th-68
General Meade

Honored Sir
I have contemplated writing to your predecessor; for some time; on the all important subject of devising means of educating the colored children of this vicinity but defered it thinking the Authorities would attend to it; but as it appears; to be neglected; I take the liberty to call your attion to it, hoping to obtain encouragement in the undertaking. I proposed; (last year)taking charge of a colered school but was derided by the most of the whites; I met with great encouragement from the colored People so far as sending the children but they seem to be under the impression that they must recieve it gratuitously; indeed; they know so little of the benefit derived from it - that they have not calculated it; as a part of their necessary expenses besides - they are a very improvident & indolent Race consequently - at present are not able to pay any part of the expense; of teaching their children; were I situated to live without the result of my own labor; I would cheerfully; undertake the important duty; of teaching; eighty colored children of this vicinity gratuitously; but being poor am compeled to recieve some remuneration for my [[illegible]] it the fare at the earnest solicitation of the colored People; I ask if in your power to furnish me (out of the government treasury) $150 to enable me to commence the school; they may be able to bear the remaining expense; if so; you will please remit the amount to me; at; Clifton

Wilcox Co.
Alabama River