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If I get [[/strikethrough]] get [[/strikethrough]] a hearing from you, as to what you can to for us in the way of School Houses, I will then inform the Trustees of the different Townships and let them know what to depend on.

We are altogether late about Schools in this County, there being no appointment of Superintendent, received here until September 25th, since which time, I have been engaged in get in reports of Children, which are forwarded to the superintendent of Public Instruction, I have held a Convention of Trustees, and have a promise of Co-operation if I can get help from the Bureau. I desire to Commence our Schools on the 1st Monday of January Next, but fear I will not be able so to do.

Without aid we will have but few, if any freedmens schools in this County. An early reply from you will be gratefully acknowledge

Respectfully Yours
Geo R Kinsey
Super Education Henry County Ala