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the Colored people. Taylor is the Pastor, wether the money goes to him for his private use, or not, I do not know. I do know that it is a swindle & an outrage to exact pay for the use of the building for the Education & advancement of their own people. It is a scheme that I will not countenance, it is time that these people should appreciate the great benefits which the Government has given them, and if they [[strikethrough]] cannot  [[/strikethrough]] will not lend a helping hand for their own good, protection & elevation, then they should be denied these privileges and shift for themselves. I found five (5) school here in operation when I arrived, at least the Bureau was paying Rent for five schools  I have closed all but one, he is a white man & good Teacher & has a building which the Bureau has leased until I think next January. The other four were all taught by Colored Teachers who are totally unfit for the duties.

I will transmit tomorrow Vouchers of Taylor's for Rent during month of August signed by Lt Hyde  please inform me if his Vouchers will be paid as he is continually dunning for the money. I wish you would 

Transcription Notes:
dunning — making persistent demands on (someone), especially for payment of a debt