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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

"Tinappity" Ills
Apr 21st 1866

Rev C.W Buckley
Montgomery Ala

Dr Sir:
I wrote you on the 19th Ult. but I have since been visited by Bro S H Prather (the young man who talked of going with me) he is still very anxious to return with me.

The minister whom he expected to study with dont give him much encouragement and as you wrote me that you would give him a place. he will accompany me to Gainsville Ala. where he will expect a letter from you informing him where he can be employed, and at what salary. he desires a situation as near me as possible. I hope if he cannot be employed with me he can obtain a small school where you can make him the principal  his capabilities are sufficient & I do not know a more zealous young Christian

We expect to arrive at Gainsville from the 3d to 5th of May.

This young man has neither Father, Mother, Brother or Sister, yet he is rich in grace. May he become a useful man in the vineyard of his Master

I remain Truly
Chas. E Lynn