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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Freedmens' Aid Commission,
Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio & West Virginia, Auxiliary to the American Freedmens' Aid Commission.

Dr. C.G. Hussey, President,
Hon. T.M. Howe,
Wm. Thaw, Esq.
Thos. Bakewell, Esq.
F.R. Brunot, Esq. } Vice Presidents,

Rev. J.B. Clark, D.D., Cor. Secretary,
Elias H. Irish, Esq., Rec. Secretary,
Rev. Jos. S. Travelli, General. Agent
No. 37 Fifth Street,
Allan Kramer, Esq., Treas. 35 Fifth St.

Pittsburgh, Oct. 22 1866

Maj. Gen. Swayne
Asst. Com. F.R. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala.

Dear Sir
Last week I had the pleasure of a conversation in this city with Maj. Gen. Howard to whom I had already made some statements, by letter as to the destitution among the Freedmen in N. Ala. arising from the terrible drought. I had been led to do this from the representations of our Superintendent of schools at Nashville W.F. Mitchell who wrote me on the subject from Huntsville where he was re-starting the schools in Sept.

On Saturday, I recd are additional letter from Mr. Jas