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I guess it will be in energy & government. Will do all I can to protect that untoward event. She is now teaching in her third week & had at the end of her second week, thirty scholars. The numbers will increase this month to forty. The colored folks agree to send at least forty scholars, furnish house & fuel, & pay the teacher twenty-five dollars per month if the government will give an equal sum. Have forwarded her vouchers for last month.

Permit me to again call your attention to the urgent necessity of seats with desks in my school. The scholars are rapidly advancing - 18 study Grammar, 33 Colburn's Arithmetic & Geography; 15 Greenleaf's Common School Arithmetic; over 40 write with pen. They are now writing upon a single desk rudely improvised consisting of a single board upon an inclined plane. You can readily imagine her very awkward & inconvenient it is for them to use both slate & book at the same time with no desk. Besides, inasmuch as the seats we now have belong to a colored church, they are liable to be taken away at any time - a circumstance which would place us in an unwished for position & regarded by me with