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Mobile Alabama
July 30th 1867

Rev. C.W. Buckley
Supt. of Education
Dept Ala

Dr Sir

I wrote a letter this morning to Genl Swayne in regards to getting some official appointments to the schools.
I believe that my connection [[strike out]] will [[strike out]]will [[strikeout]] with the schools will subserve the interests of our party and the public good generally;  I most respectfully ask that you use your influence with the Genl in procuring me as good a position as possible.
You will recollect that I have been through the whole of the war and my political history is unimpeached 
Please aid an old soldier in the cause and and oblige you

Very Resply
E C Brasich

P.S. I am in no wise identified with [[Harvey?]] & [[?]]
Eli B