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Office of the School,
Commissioner Mobile,
August 7th, 1867.

C. W. Buckley, Esq.


Dear Sir,

A committee of the Board of School Commissioners of this county have under consideration the enquiry "whether our System of public instruction can be extended to the Colored children of Mobile; and if so, in what manner & by what means such instruction can be most effectively accomplished".

The great obstacle - indeed I may safely say, the only obstacle in the way of extending our system of Schools in all its vigor & completeness, to the colored people, is the want of funds as well for the payment of teachers, or building school houses. Some members of the board, having learned that there are funds within the control of the Freedmans Bureau, that may be appropriated to the erection of school houses, in this City for the benefit of the colored children, have requested me to address you this letter of inquiry, to ascertain what aid it is in the power of the Bureau to give to this object: and this must be my apology for addressing you.
I send you by the mail copies of our regulations, together with some reports of Committees

Transcription Notes:
last word continues on next page but shown here for transcription purposes