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people of whatever sect, or denomination. And they hope this statement will be satisfactory to their friends at the Bureau, should the Doctor make good his threat of reporting. And they further especially desire me to represent to you, that Dr. Jennings' report that he was to be their teacher, has very seriously injured the contributions towards the erection of the school house, as the patrons of this school are so much dissatisfied with him as teacher that they will have nothing to do with it if he is at its head. They request me to make the assertion that nine out of every ten patrons of the school are not willing for him to be their teacher. And this they propose to substantiate beyond a doubt at any time you may wish, if you deem it necessary. The reasons for this dissatisfaction they are ready to explain to your entire satisfaction. And they further request me to represent the opportunity to procure a teacher in all respects competent, & acceptable to the colored people here - & who is fully disposed to devote his entire time to the wefare of the colored people both through the week at night & on the sabbath. A man conscientiously laboring for the