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Lowndes County, Ala.
June 7th 1867
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Capt. Buckley
Dear Sir
I have been busily engaged since I last saw you & ever since I made my first report, in inducing order in the schools established by me, in locating others in place of those that failed, in instructing teachers in the Art of teaching, And in producing Competition Among Pupils of the same school and Techers of different schools I am happy to say all are in prosperous condition.

The following is a statement of the relative qualifications of the teachers given first in point of order and advancement of pupils.

Plumb, Barton. nearly equal.
Pearce, Borght & Roney in the order they stand -
Marvin. Jennings. Jones & Westmoreland promise to make fine teachers but have been teaching too short a time to give a correct idea of their usefulness - Nothing has transpired in the Pauley case but this. he Pauley confessed to Mr. M. Patton that he "Pauley might have said what Loyley & Garrett said he did say and he told Patton that he did not belong to the Black horse Calalry but culd do so in those hours