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Eutaw Ala Oct 21st 1867.

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

My very dear brother and excellent friend;
On reaching home from conference I found the letter awaiting me of which you spoke to me [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] in Selma. 

You say "The Bureau has funds from which rent of school houses can, be paid, and a small fund for repair and construction." I am gratified at this as it releaves me of an embarrassment in two ways, viz, 1st. Because I showed your letter to me of the date of April 29th to Mr A. Jarvis in which you state "We will also pay rent for buildings, and for any slight repairs you may order done," and he has reflected on me that no blank vouchers have been sent to him. In that same letter you state "I will pay you $12 rent pr month for a few months." 2nd, It releaves me in another respect, for I [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] had to pay Mr Jarvis out of my own pocket or discontinue the school, and I much preferred the former, though I really needed the funds for the support of my family. But I knew that you would refund me as soon as convenient and coming in now it will releive me amazingly. I ordered repairs and the construction of a number of seats and desks are needed by the school. Will you be kind enough to let me have blank vouchers so that Mr. Jarvis may not longer have any cause to blame me. I send in a little slip below the amt. I have actually paid out for the above purposes.