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Greensboro Ala 
July 4th 1867 
Maj. Gen'l. Swayne
Dr. Sir
Allow me if you please to call your attention to the following facts: The salaries for myself and ass't as teachers in the colored school here for the months of May and June have not been received, altho' accts, signed, and Reports have been rendered! The accts for the Month of May were rendered more than a month ago: Those for the Month of June were approved by Maj. Pierce and mailed a week ago, As we are solely dependent on these salaries for support (Our time and energies being devoted to the faithful discharge of our duties in said business) Do my Dr Sir be so kind as to see into this negligence or delay, correct it and 
Very Much oblige
Your Obt Serv't
John. M. May

I am pleased to have the honor of informing you that this school is said by our most intelligent citizens to be progressing much to the satisfaction of both races