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Marion Ala
June 15th 1864
Mr C. W. Buckley
Montgomery Ala

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

I sent you my School report for the month of May last on the 1st inst & I have recd no answer in return I again write you this by way of enquiry. My report was forwarded directly to your office by mail. I, not being aware that it was necessary to send a report through Lieut Shorkleys office at Selma but being informed of that fact I send this through that channel, & as I have no blanks I will mearly give you a statement of the average no of pupils in attendance last mth which was 84⅓ & the no being so large I found it necssary to have an assistant, & in acordance with your "instructions" I obtained the servises of my son James B. Norris for a sallary of $30 pr mth so he has been assisting me since the 1st of May & I think he will come fully up to the requirement in your communication he being a compitent schollar & a loyal & upright citizen at that. I can furnish you with many references such as Dr CWN Mears of Perry & John Hardy Esqr of your place.
Please send me the necesary blanks at your earliest

Transcription Notes:
"I will mearly give you a statement of the average 'no'" here is referring to the number of pupils.