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Rec'd Mch 4 '67 
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for the immediate erection of a Central School at Mobile, Mr. Branch intimates that the colored people will contribute liberally toward a lot. I have written him that we will furnish $1000. toward a good one. It is quite essential that we should hold the title unencumbered so long as we are to conduct the school, that we may know when we are. Whenever the colored people wish us to withdraw altogether, we will turn over our entire interest as above indicated.
Will you be good enough to write me fully your views and disposition in the premises, and believe me as always, 
Very Faithfully Yours,
J R Shipherd

Chicago, July 28th 1867.
Shipherd, J. R.

Says he is glad that Gen. S. is ready and willing to co -operate with him in building a normal central school &c. 


Transcription Notes: