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Head-Quarters Sub-District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala., March 14th, 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard Commissioner, at the earnest request of Col. Seawell, who is one of our best citizens. At the time the within application was made, it did not appear how school funds could be used for other than school purposes, and for public, rather than ecclesiastical schools. While, therefore, Mr. Seawells' object is an excellent one, it does not present itself in such shape, as to be, in my opinion, lawfully aided.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt. servt.
C.W. Buckley
Supt. Education

War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington Mch 18th 1867

Respectfully referred to major Genl Wager Swayne Assistant Commr. for Alabama for remarks

By order of Major Genl Howard
F.D. Sewall
Actg Asst Adjt. General