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Malden. April 11th/67

C.W. Buckly, Esq.

The National Archives of the United States

Looking over the April number of the American Missionary, I noticed that a number of teachers are wanted in different parts of the South. my sister and myself would like places to teach, and are willing to come for nothing, of course having our fare paid, also board and washing, and until you feel able to pay us a salary we will work for nothing- I understand you do not have your teachers South during the Summer, we are used to the Southern climate and are willing to teach all through the hot months, we enjoy excellent health, and can endure almost every hardship- We are willing to go to any part of the South but would like to be together.

We can give the best of references- please answer as soon as possible, we would like to come immediately

Yours Respectfully.
Miss, S.A. Smith
Bos. 223.