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Malden, June 2nd " "/67
C. W. Buckley Esq.
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Dear Sir,

Since my last letter to you I have been obliged to resign my situation at the bookstore in Committee owing to the dulness [[strikethrough]] dulness [[/strikethrough]] of business. Mr. Halliday thought he could get along with less help. I am therefore at liberty to accept your offer of teacher to the freedmen. Sister and I am ready and willing to come. All we ask is that you will try and help us there, for we do not want to be sent home. We want to stay, and we will do all we can to please.

In regard to funds to enable us to get there. We fear we may be refused, and if so, what shall we do? For we have not

Transcription Notes:
Unsure on punctuation