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to his certain knowledge, the schools at Montgomery and elsewhere, had been supplied with stoves and fuel by the Bureau. 

I had no more definite knowledge or information than this to proceed on. At that time I was not provided with instructions covering the ground, and until within a few days since the date of my last letter to you. I had not received the "Manual" recently issued from Washington. I therefore, took the full responsibility, and to keep the schools going I ordered the purchases necessary. I have paid the amount involved, and, though it is not particularly pleasant to pay, for one's own energy and good will at such an expensive rate, yet it will be with me a first lesson to keep within the circle of position knowledge and positive instructions as far as governs future expenditures for anything. I have told Mr. Brunch that I shall hereafter decline assuming any responsibility in any matter of expense whatever relating to his schools. I will do all in my power to sustain and encourage them as long as it costs nothing, but where money is involved he must, hereafter, send his requisition or estimates to you, with my approval, if it is important or necessary, and all expenditures must be ordered by  competent authority. Indeed, this is the course I ought always to have taken.

The vouchers for rent of St. Peter's Chapel have not yet been paid. I advanced the money on them, and, as you stated to me they would receive your approval, I would take it as a favor if you would urge their payment. I am quite certain I shall never be obliged to ask your aid hereafter for repayment of these little bonne douceus to the credit