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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Pitts. Apr 4. 1867

Rev. C. W. Buckley
Supt. &c. Montgomery

Dear Sir
Your favor of 29th March reached me this morning. Much obliged for the explanation abt. the money remitted - A draft on some National Bank in N.Y. if procurable would suit us better & save expense - or a Post office money order - if these cannot be had, the sending by Express would seem to be the only way. I am much obliged by your attention to the matter. That paid the rent to Dec 23. We have paid the rent monthly & I have the receipts from Mr Steele Huntsville, for the same so that three months is now due to us. I will enclose a bill for the amt. in this. This will be more convenient

Transcription Notes:
Not completely sure abt the names