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and for some $50. expended in fitting it up as a school house say in latter part of 1865 or in 1866. - making some $522.90. We asked for all of this or as much as you could pay - as we intended to devote the whole of it to rebuilding the school house.

[[strikethrough]] From [[/strikethrough]] In yours of 30. Nov. it was stated that in addition to the amt. promised before the burning of the school house - i.e. for its removal & re-erection from its old site to teh new one, the Bureau would pay just as if it had not been burned - I may have been mistaken about Col. Callis' promise but I understood that he had approved of & desired the removal & had so promised. This was the $222.90 above spoken of & I have told what the other $300. was.