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from neighboring towns - as boarders or as they can. Some will work for their boarding so as to get to school. There to establish branch schools under Warings supervision, taught either by some of his advanced pupils or if the expense could be borne by the amply qualified teachers say from Ohio that Waring probably could procure or recommend to us. Such is my plan. This would, however, imply help from the Bureau - say 1st for desks - of which he has literally had none. Writing in Copy books has had to be done at home & yet he has just been showing me some nice work done in such unfavorable circumstances. 

2d. in repairs to school houses - He is now teaching in a church which he has managed to get along in since Nov. but is too small & he cant have desks in it even if he had them - for want of room. There is another church he could get & if it were plastered would answer well. It would cost the rent - but could not be used without plastering  Of course he would greatly prefer a school house, of which he could have the exclusive use - a nice building for a normal school is what his heart longs for - but I fear there is no chance for that now - but I thought possibly if we could get a piece of ground say 3, 4, 5 or more acres [[strikethrough]] of ground [[/strikethrough]] & possibly a building at Nashville at the sale