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to his Salary. that from his representations, that he is very much in need of funds, and That it is impossible for him to get a dollar from a patron, since they have learned, that he was receiving assistance from the Bureau and in view of this fact he desires me to ask an increase of his salary - if you deem his services worth more than thirty dollars per month. He is very anxious to hear from you on the matter contained in this letter & begs that you will favor him with a reply.

I would state, to show why I have taken such an interest in this affair of John's, that I was raised with him, and tho' a great rebel, always regarded him as well as all of my Fathers' slaves, a part of the family & ever had the kindliest feelings for them - & since they have become free have advised & assisted them as far as in my power laid - as any of them will attest 

Very Respfly
Henry C Wiley

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