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the accounts will be made out in the name of Mr Wm. B. Hunt to date from July first, Mr Hunt commenced the day that Mr Grout quit

Yours Respectfully
Thos. H. Whitby

PS Perhaps you may think that I ought to have written to you sooner, about Mr Hunt, my excuse is that he was comparatively a stranger to me, and without a trial I was not willing to employ him or recommend him to you, I find him quite a clever gentleman, we are both living in the same house, if you can make it convenient to visit our School you must call on us
Since writing the above I have read a few lines from O.D. [[Hinman?]] requesting me to return the Transportation Order to the office for Cancellation, please turn it over to the proper one
Yours resp-
Thos. H. Whitby

Transcription Notes:
Hinman may also be Kinman. Not sure if the name is referenced elsewhere in these documents.