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Talladega Ala.
June 17/68
Capt H.M. Bush

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Dr. Sr.
I find from a letter lately recd from Mr. Silsby of Selma that in my conversation with you at my house a few days since, I did not make clear to you the condition of things, as I regard them, in reference to the proposed future of this educational work.
In answer to your question, whether it was not proposed to build here a denominational school, a College, I said "yes", but modified my yes by suggesting that it was, as I supposed to be like other colleges at the North, such as Yale, Oberlin, Ripon, Olivet and the like.
Congregationalists do not believe in placing our College (i.e. those to which we give our money) under any ecclesiastical authority, at least I am satisfied that none of the officers of the